Lidar Data to 2D

March 25, 2017, 11:23 p.m.


Today I worked on projecting Lidar data to 2D images. I was hoping to create "front views" and birds eye views of the lidar data, unforunately I was only able to work on "front view" and did not get round to working on the other.

"Front View" projection

In order to flatten the "front view" of a lidar sensor to a 2D image we have to project the points in 3D space into cylindrical surface that can be unwrapped, to a flat surface. The following code, adapted from a formula I found in the Li et al. 2016 paper does the job.

# h_res = horizontal resolution of the lidar sensor
# v_res = vertical resolution of the lidar sensor
x_img = arctan2(y_lidar, x_lidar)/ h_res 
y_img = np.arctan2(z_lidar, np.sqrt(x_lidar**2 + y_lidar**2))/ v_res

The problem is that doing it this way places the seam of the image directly to the right of the car. It makes more sense to have the seam positioned at the very rear of the car, so that the more important regions to the front and side are uninterupted. Having those important regions uninterupted will make it easier for convolutional neural networks to recognize whole objects in those important regions. The following code fixes that.

# h_res = horizontal resolution of the lidar sensor
# v_res = vertical resolution of the lidar sensor
x_img = np.arctan2(-y_lidar, x_lidar)/ h_res # seam in the back
y_img = np.arctan2(z_lidar, np.sqrt(x_lidar**2 + y_lidar**2))/ v_res

Configuring the scale along each axis

The h_res and v_res varaibels are very much dependent on the LIDAR sensor used. In the KTTI dataset, the sensor used was a Velodyne HDL 64E. According to the spec sheet for the Velodyne HDL 64E it has the following important characteristics:

This now allows us to update the code as follows:

# Resolution and Field of View of LIDAR sensor
h_res = 0.35         # horizontal resolution, assuming rate of 20Hz is used 
v_res = 0.4          # vertical res
v_fov = (-24.9, 2.0) # Field of view (-ve, +ve) along vertical axis
v_fov_total = -v_fov[0] + v_fov[1] 

# Convert to Radians
v_res_rad = v_res * (np.pi/180)
h_res_rad = h_res * (np.pi/180)

# Project into image coordinates
x_img = np.arctan2(-y_lidar, x_lidar)/ h_res_rad
y_img = np.arctan2(z_lidar, d_lidar)/ v_res_rad

This however results in about half the points being located along the negative x coordinate, and most in the negative y coordinate. In order to project to a 2D image we need to have the minimum values to be (0,0). So we need to shift things:

x_min = -360.0/h_res/2    # Theoretical min x value based on specs of sensor
x_img = x_img - x_min     # Shift
x_max = 360.0/h_res       # Theoretical max x value after shifting

y_min = v_fov[0]/v_res    # theoretical min y value based on specs of sensor
y_img = y_img - y_min     # Shift
y_max = v_fov_total/v_res # Theoretical max x value after shifting
y_max = y_max + 5         # UGLY: Fudge factor because the calculations based on
                          # spec sheet do not seem to match the range of angles
                          # collected by sensor in the data.

Rasterising as a 2D image

Now that we have the 3D points projected to 2D coordinate points, with a minimum value of (0,0), we can plot those points data into a 2D image.

pixel_values = -d_lidar # Use depth data to encode the value for each pixel
cmap = "jet"            # Color map to use
dpi = 100               # Image resolution
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(x_max/dpi, y_max/dpi), dpi=dpi)
ax.scatter(x_img,y_img, s=1, c=pixel_values, linewidths=0, alpha=1, cmap=cmap)
ax.set_axis_bgcolor((0, 0, 0)) # Set regions with no points to black
ax.axis('scaled')              # {equal, scaled}
ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)    # Do not draw axis tick marks
ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)    # Do not draw axis tick marks
plt.xlim([0, x_max])   # prevent drawing empty space outside of horizontal FOV
plt.ylim([0, y_max])   # prevent drawing empty space outside of vertical FOV
fig.savefig("/tmp/depth.png", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0)

Final Product

I have put all the above code together into a convenient function.

def lidar_to_2d_front_view(points,
    """ Takes points in 3D space from LIDAR data and projects them to a 2D
        "front view" image, and saves that image.

        points: (np array)
            The numpy array containing the lidar points.
            The shape should be Nx4
            - Where N is the number of points, and
            - each point is specified by 4 values (x, y, z, reflectance)
        v_res: (float)
            vertical resolution of the lidar sensor used.
        h_res: (float)
            horizontal resolution of the lidar sensor used.
        v_fov: (tuple of two floats)
            (minimum_negative_angle, max_positive_angle)
        val: (str)
            What value to use to encode the points that get plotted.
            One of {"depth", "height", "reflectance"}
        cmap: (str)
            Color map to use to color code the `val` values.
            NOTE: Must be a value accepted by matplotlib's scatter function
            Examples: "jet", "gray"
        saveto: (str or None)
            If a string is provided, it saves the image as this filename.
            If None, then it just shows the image.
        y_fudge: (float)
            A hacky fudge factor to use if the theoretical calculations of
            vertical range do not match the actual data.

            For a Velodyne HDL 64E, set this value to 5.

    assert len(v_fov) ==2, "v_fov must be list/tuple of length 2"
    assert v_fov[0] <= 0, "first element in v_fov must be 0 or negative"
    assert val in {"depth", "height", "reflectance"}, \
        'val must be one of {"depth", "height", "reflectance"}'

    x_lidar = points[:, 0]
    y_lidar = points[:, 1]
    z_lidar = points[:, 2]
    r_lidar = points[:, 3] # Reflectance
    # Distance relative to origin when looked from top
    d_lidar = np.sqrt(x_lidar ** 2 + y_lidar ** 2)
    # Absolute distance relative to origin
    # d_lidar = np.sqrt(x_lidar ** 2 + y_lidar ** 2, z_lidar ** 2)

    v_fov_total = -v_fov[0] + v_fov[1]

    # Convert to Radians
    v_res_rad = v_res * (np.pi/180)
    h_res_rad = h_res * (np.pi/180)

    x_img = np.arctan2(-y_lidar, x_lidar)/ h_res_rad
    y_img = np.arctan2(z_lidar, d_lidar)/ v_res_rad

    x_min = -360.0 / h_res / 2  # Theoretical min x value based on sensor specs
    x_img -= x_min              # Shift
    x_max = 360.0 / h_res       # Theoretical max x value after shifting

    y_min = v_fov[0] / v_res    # theoretical min y value based on sensor specs
    y_img -= y_min              # Shift
    y_max = v_fov_total / v_res # Theoretical max x value after shifting

    y_max += y_fudge            # Fudge factor if the calculations based on
                                # spec sheet do not match the range of
                                # angles collected by in the data.

    if val == "reflectance":
        pixel_values = r_lidar
    elif val == "height":
        pixel_values = z_lidar
        pixel_values = -d_lidar

    cmap = "jet"            # Color map to use
    dpi = 100               # Image resolution
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(x_max/dpi, y_max/dpi), dpi=dpi)
    ax.scatter(x_img,y_img, s=1, c=pixel_values, linewidths=0, alpha=1, cmap=cmap)
    ax.set_axis_bgcolor((0, 0, 0)) # Set regions with no points to black
    ax.axis('scaled')              # {equal, scaled}
    ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)    # Do not draw axis tick marks
    ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)    # Do not draw axis tick marks
    plt.xlim([0, x_max])   # prevent drawing empty space outside of horizontal FOV
    plt.ylim([0, y_max])   # prevent drawing empty space outside of vertical FOV

    if saveto is not None:
        fig.savefig(saveto, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0)

And here are some samples of it being used:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

HRES = 0.35         # horizontal resolution (assuming 20Hz setting)
VRES = 0.4          # vertical res
VFOV = (-24.9, 2.0) # Field of view (-ve, +ve) along vertical axis
Y_FUDGE = 5         # y fudge factor for velodyne HDL 64E

lidar_to_2d_front_view(lidar, v_res=VRES, h_res=HRES, v_fov=VFOV, val="depth",
                       saveto="/tmp/lidar_depth.png", y_fudge=Y_FUDGE)

lidar_to_2d_front_view(lidar, v_res=VRES, h_res=HRES, v_fov=VFOV, val="height",
                       saveto="/tmp/lidar_height.png", y_fudge=Y_FUDGE)

lidar_to_2d_front_view(lidar, v_res=VRES, h_res=HRES, v_fov=VFOV,
                       val="reflectance", saveto="/tmp/lidar_reflectance.png",

Which produces the following three images:


image of lidar depth data


image of lidar height data


image of lidar reflectance data

Further Development Needed

It is currently very slow to create each image, and i suspect it is because of matplotlib, which does not handle huge number of scatter points well. I would like to create an implementation that is either pure numpy, or that makes use of PIL.


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