Derivatives for logistic regression - step by step

Aug. 12, 2017, 10 p.m.


The training step in logistic regression involves updating the weights and the bias by a small amount. The amount that each weight and bias is updated by is proportional to the gradients, which are calculated as the partial derivative of the loss function, with respect to the weight (or bias) we are updating.

This blog post will cover how to calculate the partial derivatives of the weights and the bias, step by step. I would recommend reading my previous two blog posts which cover how to perform derivatives along a computational graph and the derivative of the sigmoid function.

Logistic Regression computational graph

The computational graph of logistic regression can be visualised as follows:

Image of calculation

w and x are vectors, whose size depend on the number of input features. In order to keep things simple, we will consider the case where we only have two input features. We can therefore represent the computational graph more clearly as follows:

Image of calculation

Desired partial derivatives

The partial derivatives we are particularly interested are the following two:

Image of calculation

Strategy for solving partial derivatives

In order to solve the partial derivatives, we can make use of the chain rule, which allows us to simplify the process by considering small components at a time.

Image of calculation

Which can be visualised on the computational graph as follows:

Image of calculation

Once we calculate those five smaller components, we can solve the partial derivatives we want more easily. So lets start solving each compoment.

Compoment 1

Be aware that the logs used in the loss function are natural logs, and not base 10 logs.

Image of calculation

Compoment 2

The full calculation of this component was explained in my previous blog post for calculating the derivative of the sigmoid function. Be sure to check out that post if you want to know how it was calculated.

Image of calculation

Compoment 3

Image of calculation

Compoment 4

Image of calculation

Compoment 5

Image of calculation

Putting the components together

Image of calculation

Image of calculation

The final product

To summarize, the derivatives we are interested have been summarized in the following two formulas.

Image of calculation


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