Exploring the KITTI road dataset

Sept. 6, 2017, 8:23 p.m.


The Kitti road dataset is an image dataset that is used for training and evaluating models on the semantic segmentation task (labeling every single pixel in an image as belonging to one of many possible classes).

This post will make sense of the dataset that is labeled as base kit with: left color images, calibration and training labels (0.5 GB), which can be downloaded with this link

Exploring the directory structure

Once you have downloaded the data and unzipped it, the data will contain the following directory structure






Of particular importance for training a model to perform semantic segmentation are the following subdirectories of the training directory:

You will notice that the files in the labels directory contain slightly different naming convention from the input images. The files contain either road or lane in the filename. This is because there are labels for the entire road, as well as labels for the current lane that the car is on.

Exploring the training and label files

We can start by setting up the path variables.

import os
import glob

# Directories
root_data_dir = "/path/to/data_road"
imgs_dir = os.path.join(root_data_dir, "training/image_2")
labels_dir = os.path.join(root_data_dir, "training/gt_image_2")

def dirfiles(d, pattern="*"):
    """ Gets the filepaths in a directory that match some pattern"""
    return glob.glob(os.path.join(d, pattern))

img_files = dirfiles(imgs_dir, "*.png")
label_files = dirfiles(labels_dir, "*.png")

When we compare the number of png files in the two directories we see that there is a mismatch. There are less training images than label images.

print(len(img_files))    # 289
print(len(label_files))  # 384

This is because there are no lane labels for all the training images, only the subset of images that start with um. There is, however, a 1:1 mapping between all training images and the labels for the road. If we filter for just the road labels we see that the number of images are the same.

road_label_files = [file for file in label_files if "road" in os.path.basename(file)]

len(road_label_files) # 289
len(img_files)        # 289

Since the difference in the filenames is just the addition of _road_, we can prove to ourselves that there is indeed a 1:1 mapping of the file names in each directory.

# Sort the filepaths

# Filenames without exensions
a = list(map(lambda f: os.path.basename(f), img_files))
b = list(map(lambda f: os.path.basename(f.replace("_road_","_")), road_label_files))

# Check how many have same filename
n_same = sum(list(map(lambda ab: ab[0] == ab[1], zip(a,b))))
print(n_same) # 289

We see that the number of files whose name matches up is equal to the number of files, meaning all the file names match up.

Exploring the Images

We can have a look at the images and label images. You will notice that the images are quite big, 1242 by 375 pixels.

import PIL as pil
from PIL import Image
i = 111
img = pil.Image.open(img_files[i])
print("IMAGE DIMS: ", img.size)   # IMAGE DIMS:  (1242, 375)
# Training image

Image of train image

# Label image
label = pil.Image.open(road_label_files[i])

Image of label image

# Overlay label image on top of train image
overlay = pil.ImageChops.add(img, label, scale=1.5)

Image of overlay image

Understanding the label representation

We saw that the labeled pixels were only one of three colors:

You will notice that the label colors are not Red, Green, Blue. Which means that the class labels are not one-hot encoded along the channels axis.

Converting pixels to one-hot-vectors

We can transform this so that each color channel represents a different class. This way, every single pixel is one becomes a one hot vector that can be classified using Softmax.

import numpy as np

label_array = np.asarray(label)

# Current class label encoding
non_road_label = np.array([255,0,0])
road_label = np.array([255,0,255])
other_road_label = np.array([0,0,0])

# Create a one hot encoded version of the label image
ohv_label = np.zeros_like(label_array)
ohv_label[:,:,0] = np.all(label_array==road_label, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
ohv_label[:,:,1] = np.all(label_array==other_road_label, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
ohv_label[:,:,2] = np.all(label_array==non_road_label, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)

We can now view the label image, which should have all classes as either red, green or blue.


Image of one hot encoded label image

Converting pixels to binary classes

However, if we are just interested in the binary classification task of road/not road for each pixel, then we can take the non-road mask, and invert it to only capture the roads. This will allow us to store the label in a single color channel.

# Current class label encoding
non_road_label = np.array([255,0,0])

# Create binary class label (1=road, 0=not road) by inverting non-road label
binary_label = (1-np.all(label_array==non_road_label, axis=2)).astype(np.uint8)

We can now view this mask:

# Binary label image
binary_label_img = pil.Image.fromarray(binary_label*255)

Image of binary label image

And overlayed on the original image:

# Overlay label image on top of train image
overlay_binary = pil.ImageChops.add(img, binary_label_img.convert("RGB"), scale=1.7)

Image of binary overlay

Full code to go from image file to binary encoded label image

Putting together all the relevant code to go from the directory storing your data to creating binary classification segmentation label images looks like the following. The only slight changes I made were that I filtered out lane label images right away with a different regex pattern. The other minor difference is that I loaded the images directly to numpy arrays using scipy instead of using PIL. PIL was useful for viewing the images, but now we can avoid those steps and use numpy directly.

import os
import glob
import scipy
from scipy import misc

# Directories
root_data_dir = "/path/to/data_road"
# imgs_dir = os.path.join(root_data_dir, "training/image_2")
labels_dir = os.path.join(root_data_dir, "training/gt_image_2")

# Only get the labels for road (not lane)
label_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(labels_dir, "*_road_*.png"))

i = 111 # index of image (perhaps use a for loop to iterate through all)
label_array = scipy.misc.imread(label_files[i])

# Current class label encoding
non_road_class = np.array([255,0,0])

# Create binary class label (1=road, 0=not road) by inverting non-road label
binary_label = (1-np.all(label_array==non_road_class, axis=2)).astype(np.uint8)

Final remarks

Hopefully this will help someone in making sense of the KITTI road dataset.

Appendix - Code used to save images

resize = (621, 187)
img.resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("train_image.jpg", format="JPEG")
label.resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("label_image.jpg", format="JPEG")
overlay.resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("overlay_image.jpg", format="JPEG")

pil.Image.fromarray(ohv_label*255).resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("ohv_label.jpg", format="JPEG")
binary_label_img.resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("binary_label.jpg", format="JPEG")

overlay_binary.resize(resize, Image.ANTIALIAS).save("overlay_binary.jpg", format="JPEG")


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